Saturday, August 31, 2019

Invisible Hand Essay

The invisible hand indicates situations that individuals pursuing their own self-interest leads to the social interest. It is all about free-market principles in operation and how they create desired results. The invisible hand reduces to a â€Å"laissez-faire† philosophy that sees government intervention into the markets as a real problem. The market mechanism of supply and demand communicates the wants of consumers to business and through business to resource suppliers. Competition forces business and resource suppliers to make appropriate responses. According to the invisible hand theory, each of us, acting in our own self-interests, generates a demand for goods and services that compels others to deliver those goods and services in the most efficient manner so that they may be able to receive compensation from others and make a profit in doing so. In this process, the invisible hand could be benevolent in the market because resources are allocated in the most efficient manner, in contrast to a process that relies on a centrally planned system. The invisible hand puts more resources into producing goods for which there is a shortage, as evidenced by high profit margins, at the expense of goods for which there is a surplus, as evidenced by low or negative profit margins. And the invisible hand keeps doing these adjustments continuously without anyone planning or ordering that society should produce more of what if needs and less of what it doesn’t need. In other words, the â€Å"invisible hand† represents all the social good incidentally caused by individuals pursuing their own self-interest. And it is true, the social benefits of the invisible hand are clearly seen in many cases. Firms are price takers in the market. So many firms that no one firm can influence price. It is also â€Å"homogeneous product†, rationality of all market actors and free entry and exit. A businessman who wants to become a millionaire must first come up with a product that is beneficial, pleasing and desired by thousand of customers. By pursuing his own greed, the millionaire also benefits society. The basic problem with the â€Å"invisible hand of the market† is that it is a metaphor, not a concept or principles; only simpletons refer to it as such. In practice, it is still too invisible, so governments are tempted to make it more visible through political interventions. It is clear why Smith says that moral norms are necessary for such a system to work in order for exchange to proceed, contracts must be enforceable, people must have good access to information about the products nd service available, and the rule of law must hold. Therefore, an invisible hand process is one in which the outcome to be explained is produced in a decentralized way, with no explicit agreements between the acting agents. The second essential component is that the process is not intentional. The agents’ aims are not coordinated nor identical with the acgual outcome, which is a byproduct of those aims. The process should work even without the agents having any knowledge of it. This why the process is called invisible.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Challenges of the Lgbt Population on College Campuses

Challenges of the LGBT Population on College Campuses A review of the Literature Challenges of the LGBT population on College Campuses A Review of the Literature The need for institutions of higher education to stay relevant dictates that change is necessary. For most, it will require a concerted effort to embrace diversity. Racial and ethnic diversity have historically been the most widely addressed dimensions of diversity. However, as institutions continue to advance their efforts, they create a more welcoming campus climate for all individuals and groups.A current focus of diversity efforts includes the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) population. This review will look at the issues and challenges of the LGBT population on college campuses; mainly covering the need to ease the levels violence and harassment on campuses and the desire for inclusion and social justice, and suggesting strategies to address these issues. Due to the nature of the coming out process, there are fundamental challenges to learning the experiences of the LGBT population.The labels lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender as sexual identity labels present particular problems: A student may be able to articulate feelings of attraction to the same-sex, though are reluctant to adopt the label of lesbian, gay and/or bisexual (Rankin 2003). The challenges that the LGBT population face are neither new nor surprising but the need to address them is certainly relevant (Thiel, 2010). In fact, it appears that for as much progress that has been made on some campuses, there has been no progress on others.The presence of violence and harassment, as well as the desire for inclusion and justice, indicates the need for attention and research as a chilly campus climate can make for a distressing experience for LGBT students, faculty, and staff. As might be expected, LGBT students’ perceptions of the campus climate and their experiences differ from those of other members of the campus community (Rankin, 2003; Liang & Alimo, 2005). Some LGBT students feel that they are treated different because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.They have difficulty achieving their full academic potential and trouble fully participating in the campus community (Rankin, 2003; Brown, Clarke, Gortmaker, & Robinson-Keilig, 2004). In a study by Liang & Alimo (2005), students shared that they had been discriminated against, physically assaulted and harassed in residence halls, and marginalized in their classes. Physical and verbal anti-gay and lesbian harassment has been documented on all campuses where research on the LGBT population has been conducted, and these behaviors seem to be on the rise nationwide (National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, n. . ). This homonegativity affects LGBT individuals’ physical as well as psychological health (Liang & Alimo, 2005). The LGBT campus experience is at best benign and at worst hostile (Rankin, 2003). Among these challenges, Ran kin (2003) states are mental health issues, discrimination, relationship issues, and harassment/abuse. Likewise, LGBT faculty, staff, and administrators may suffer because of the same prejudices, limiting their ability to achieve their career goals and to mentor or support students.Because the LGBT population is an invisible minority, LGBT individuals may experience anxiety about who knows their sexual orientation or gender identity and who they can safely share that information with (Rankin, 2003). In addition, individuals who identify as LGBT are often at higher risk for substance abuse and suicide because of these issues and the lack of a positive support system. LGBT individuals do not share the same protections as other minorities groups in the United States.While it is no longer legal to discriminate based on race, skin color, ethnicity, disability, age, sex, or veteran’s status, it is still legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Relations hips may also suffer. A LGBT’s social network may ebb and flow drastically as they come out to individuals they consider â€Å"friends. † LGBT individuals may lose some friends and gain others as they come out. This could drastically change their social network.Similarly, LGBT individuals often face rejection from their families. This can manifest as a loss of financial assistance, being â€Å"kicked-out† of the home, or being completely cutting off from all communication and ties to their families. Harassment and abuse can also be a problem. LGBT individuals may face harassment in many different forms. LGBT individuals may encounter increased negative attitudes, jokes, verbal taunting, or bullying because of their sexual orientation or gender identity (National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, n. d. ).In addition, LGBT individuals may be intimidated or blackmailed by others who threaten to â€Å"out† them if they do not do something. This population may also be targets of violence. They could be targeted because they may be seen as â€Å"weaker† or less likely to either fight back or report the crime/incident (Thiel & Diehl, 2010; University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, n. d. ). LGBT individuals are less likely to report these incidents because they do not want to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity to authorities for fear of further repercussions from colleagues, friends, or family.Research shows that involvement in college life positively affects the LGBT experience (Rankin 2003). In addition, there are indications that the campus climate affects students’ social and emotional development, as well as their academic performance (National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, n. d. ). It also appears that there is much more in the way of student support on college campuses than there is faculty support. It is no surprise then, that the student experiences are somewhat better while the faculty experiences a chillie r climate (Brown et al. 2004). These findings suggest that an effective strategy for improving the campus climate for LGBT students needs to include system-wide efforts and involves promoting the acknowledgement, acceptance, and affirmation of all people. Campus diversity leaders and student affairs professionals will likely to be the most receptive, while some faculty and administrators will be more supportive than others will be (Brown et al. , 2004).Other recommendations to improve the campus climate for LGBT students include recruiting and retaining LGBT faculty, staff, and students, demonstrating institutional commitment to LGBT issues and concerns, integrating LGBT issues and concerns into the curriculum, providing educational programming on LGBT issues, and creating safe spaces for dialogue and interaction (Rankin, 2003; Liang & Alimo, 2005; University of Wisconsin Madison, 2008).Incorporating sexual orientation and gender identity topics into student, parent, faculty, and st aff orientation courses is important, as is informing parents of LGBT students about resources and services available on campus for their child (Angeli, 2009). Freshmen seminars and other first-year courses could be important venues for discussions of LGBT-related topics. Residence hall assistants (RAs) are also an important target group for training, as RAs are often a first esource for LGBT students dealing with coming out issues (Brown et al. , 2004). Other recommendations for improving student recruitment are as follows: Improve accessibility to LGBT information on college web sites (create one if there is not), attend national LGBT recruitment fairs, and work with the LGBT Campus Center to create a recruiting pamphlet on LGBT life on campus. For campuses without an LGBT Campus Center, the school should work to create one.LGBT Centers exist to reduce violence and harassment, and aid in the effort to promote inclusion and social justice (University of Wisconsin Madison, 2008). To ensure fair and equal treatment in the classroom, the main priority for faculty is to involve the students in the process of teaching/learning. With the many races, cultures, and groups that make up classes, having a continually engaged classroom is a challenging proposition at best and no one wants to feel marginalized.Additionally, when discussing current events, include LGBT issues as one of the topics, and be very clear with your students that homophobic and heterosexist comments and actions are not acceptable (Lock Haven University, 2000). Another initiative that could help support the LGBT student population while at the same time demonstrate institutional commitment to would to create â€Å"safe spaces† or â€Å"safe zones† where faculty/staff/students can choose to make their office or department a place for mentoring, peer counseling, dialogue, and interaction with LGBT students, faculty, and staff (Angeli, 2009).Faculty/staff leaders should work closely with campus diversity leaders (and the LGBT Campus Organization, if there is one) to ensure the inclusion of LGBT faculty and staff in the campus’ various recruitment efforts and to provide programs and services important to LGBT faculty and staff retention. This would include working to achieve domestic partner benefits for LGBT and other unmarried campus faculty and staff, and the creation and funding of an LGBT faculty/staff mentoring program (University of Wisconsin Madison, 2008).Such initiatives should be the combined efforts of administrative, faculty and staff representatives (University of Wisconsin Madison, 2008). Encouraging openly LGBT students, faculty, and staff to join and lead university committees and organizations without fear of repercussion is also a step in the right direction (Angeli, 2009). Campus administrators should enforce local anti-discrimination laws and policies on campus, ban discrimination in instructional materials and textbooks, and encourage th e use of materials that reflect gender diversity.Angeli (2009) reported that not all campuses have established such inclusive policies, and this leaves LGBT students without many options for repercussion when they experience discrimination. For example, hateful graffiti on campus should be removed quickly and those who did it punished appropriately. Sexual orientation and gender identity could be considered its own demographic and colleges should collect and report LGBT data in the same manner as gender, race, ethnicity, and disability data (Angeli, 2009).As more surveys and forms include questions on sexual orientation and gender identity, and, as campuses provide assurance that students’ privacy will be protected, it is likely that data that are more complete will become available. In other words, as the climate becomes â€Å"less chilly,† more students, faculty, and staff will feel more welcomed and, thus, more likely to share more about themselves (Angeli, 2009). P ositive attitudes of heterosexual peers can help to provide a campus climate that is welcoming and more supportive of the LGBT population, which may facilitate the development of a positive identity (Liang & Alimo, 2005).Heterosexuals have a large role in perpetuating this climate, as they have been the source for much of the homonegative behavior (Liang & Alimo, 2005). If the campus promotes itself an advocate for justice, it is not enough just to change a policy or to use ‘buzzwords;’ a new culture/atmosphere has to be created. Implementing such a campus-wide approach will necessitate support from top campus administrators (Rankin, 2003; Tierney, 1992).In addition, just because an anti-discrimination statement has been updated to include sexual orientation & gender identity, this does not mean inclusion, or even a consistent welcoming climate (University of Wisconsin Madison, 2008). Not seeing any progress in any of the areas discussed above is an indication that the campus has not yet integrated LGBT issues into the university’s understanding of its responsibilities to create a diverse and inclusive climate (Lock Haven University, 2000; University of Wisconsin Madison, 2008).The right thing to do is to create a more welcoming campus climate for all individuals and groups by reducing violence and harassment, and advancing social justice and inclusion efforts. All groups deserve this consideration because they matter. References Angeli, M. California Postsecondary Commission at its meeting on June 9, 2009. Access and equity for all students: Meeting the needs of LGBT students. Retrieved online on March 24, 2010 from http://www. cpec. ca. gov /completereports/2009reports/09-14. pdf Brown, R. D. , Clarke, B. Gortmaker, V. , & Robinson-Keilig, R. (2004). Assessing the campus climate for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) students using a multiple perspectives approach. Journal of College Student Development, 45(1), 8-26. Liang, C. T. H. & Alimo, C. (2005). The impact of white heterosexual students’ interactions on attitudes toward lesbian, gay and bisexual people: A longitudinal study. Journal of College Student Development, 46(3), 237-250. Lock Haven University Safe Zone. (n. d. ). Originally written by Troy Gilbert of StanfordUniversity, then modified by Martha Ann Spruill (Jan 14, 2000), then modified again for the LHU community. Retrieved online on March 24, 2010 from http://www. lhup. edu/safezone/support. html National Lesbian and Gay Task Force. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 23, 2010 from www. thetaskforce. org /issues/hate_crimes_main_page/overview. Rankin, S. R. (2003). Campus climate for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people: A national perspective. New York: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute. www. ngltf. org Thiel, M. J. , & Diehl, S. (2010).Campus gay and lesbian issues in the new millennium. Retrieved on 3/20/2010 from http://www. gvsu. edu/allies/index. cfm ? id=80B3F0D0-A5DC-ECEE-44313D44883F471B University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. (n. d. ). Issues/concerns for the LGBTQ Population. Retrieved March 23, 2010 from http://safezone. uncc. edu/allies /ally-manual/issues. University of Wisconsin Madison Faculty Document 2056. (2008). Report of the committee on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. Retrieved onlineMarch 23, 2010 from http://acstaff. wisc. edu/FacDoc2056LGBT-AR07. pdf

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business Environment Fonterra Co-Operative- Samples for Students

Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited is one of the leading dairy cooperatives in the world with its roots in New Zealand. The pany was established in the year 2001 through the merging two New Zealand's dairy section players; Kiwi Cooperative Dairies and the New Zealand Dairy Group. Currently, the pany takes a share of about 30% of the total world’s dairy exports and is now the biggest pany in New Zealand. Therefore, its existence in the country has positively impacted on the economy of New Zealand employing millions of the people to work in the pany ("Home," n.d.). Fonterra operates in an international context and has many subsidiaries in the world. The primary business of Fonterra is to collect, manufacture and sell milk and milk-products in the market. It also handles fast moving consumer goods (abbreviated as FMCG), together with the food service business where it has employed many professionals for restaurants and bakeries. Therefore, the pany sells its products directly to the consumers and also provides some out-of -home food service in various parts of the world. Besides, the organization has also partnered with many food panies where it supplies them with dairy products. The pany has established five segments through which it operates. Each segment has its various activities of operation that work together to form the plete organization. The first part of Fonterra is the Global Ingredients and Operations (GIO), which deals in processing and production of milk and milk products together with marketing these products. The second segment is the Oceania, which specializes in the consumer goods in New Zealand ("Home," n.d.). The third section is the Greater China which operates in China dealing FMCG, food service and farming businesses mostly in the region of the greater China. Also, there is a segment called Oceania, handling the pany's business in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Lastly, there a section called Latin America serving the Caribbean and South America. It handles the FMCG and it ingredients businesses. Fayol’s management principles of division of work, centralization and remuneration can be applied to the operation of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited for effectiveness. The performance of Fonterra is greatly attributed to the management decisions (Brunsson, 2008). Firstly, principle of division of work is important; where the work load is divided among employees or various groups of employees to ensure they are the focus and concentrate on one task. In as much as Fonterra has shown efforts of embracing division of work, there is need to do more about it. The pany can divide its operation task and then mandate its various segments to deal in these portions of work. This likely to help employees increase specialization which in turn improve their productivity (Cran, 2016). Also, the degree of centralization is another principle of management that Fayol suggested that it needs to be considered. Depending on the size of the pany, there should be efforts to balance management and decision making (Van, 2009).  Organizations should strive to maintain this balance for effectiveness. Fonterra has centralization in its structure and a lot of decision making authority lies on the senior management staff in the pany. The organization should make efforts to ensure that the balance in decision making is attained (Angelo & Ricky, 2009). Besides, Fayol discussed remuneration is one of the key aspects of successful management. Employees need sufficient pensation both financial and non-financial. Remuneration contributes to the satisfaction of the employees thus increasing their motivation (McLean, 2011). The pany should consider various factors in determining the remuneration of the workers. These factors include the cost of living, the general business conditions and the business success among many other aspects. Sufficient remuneration package will motivate the employees, reduce their financial stress and thus increase their productivity in the organization thus it should never be under looked at any point (Almashaqba&Nemer, 2010). Every pany has its own culture, which defines the way an organization does things.The corporate culture entails various areas such as the pany’s expectations, its experiences, the philosophy and the values that guide the organization’s working and its general operation. It is based on a shared belief of the team that is expected to help it perform better. The business leaders are usually responsible for formulating the culture and municating at the workplace (Tsai, 2011). Regarding the Fonterra's culture, the organization founded on a mission of working towards being the leader in the provision of dairy products all over the world, and positioning its products and services above all similar products on the globe (The Tipster, 2013).The organization is driven by a vision statement of sharing the natural source of proteins to the world by reaching the every person, everywhere and every day. The pany operates on values to enable them to bine personal strengths with those of others to Fonterra stronger, better more innovative (Costanza et al., 2015).Therefore, the vision, mission and value statements have played a major role in municating the culture of the pany. Also, Fonterra runs on a cooperative philosophy which has been incorporated into the organizational culture. Some of these philosophies include the restriction that shares in Fonterra Group can only be held the supplying shareholders who agree to a dual mitment to supply milk and invest their capital to the business (Kleinbaum, 2013).  The supplying parties must also own shares in the co-operative and also shares the financial benefits proportionally according to the shares they hold in the co-operative. The management control of Fonterra is controlled by the supplying shareholders who elect through voting. Fonterra maintains the culture of mutual benefit and sustainability and the transparency in the transactions of the pany. This culture governs Fonterra and has the power of control on the way things are done at Fonterra (Boddy, 2011). Fonterra operates in a business context just like any other business. The operation, decision and moves of the pany are influenced by the corporate environment in which the business operates. It is important to establish both the macro and micro environment in which the business operates. The macro business environment of Fonterra can be analyzed using PESTLE analysis which covers all contextual factors that affect the pany. PESTLE is an abbreviation for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors (Steven & Britt, 2008). Politically, the decisions and operations of Fonterra are influenced by the politics of the countries in which it carries out business. In some cases, the pany experiences restrictions of trademarks, labeling actions, bio-diversity and quota's arguments. Regarding economic factors, Fonterra experiences influence in its operations due to these factors. They usually e from the economic state of the world, variations in foreign currency and also the changing demands for dairy products (Michael, 2008).  These economic factors mainly cause general economic effects in the world. Socially, there is a rapid increase in the dairy needs in the world consumer markets. Thus, Fonterra is currently enjoying the social effects of the growth in nutrition demands (Charles, 2012). Fonterra’s environment is also affected by the technological factors. New technologies that affect the operation of the pany are ing to the market, and Fonterra has to adopt them. Some of these technologies include the technology for cooling, heating and also transportation. Environmental factors also affect the operation of the pany. The atmospheric conditions of New Zealand vary a lot like increased greenhouse effect, and this affects the performance of his dairy pany. Besides, the existing legal systems affect the operation of Fonterra in the market. Some policies and regulations influence the operation of the business such permissions or restrictions to conduct certain businesses (Hamlin, 2015). Also, there are various legal structures that exist regarding the legal rights of the employees, the farmers and other people living in the system. Apart from the macro environmental factors, Fonterra is also affected by the micro environmental factors. These are factors that exist internally within the organization such as their leadership and other in house aspects of Fonterra. The pany has experienced a fall in the share of the milk products in New Zealand market due to tight petition in the industry, and this has affected the operation of this organization. Also, the demand for milk products is not easily predicted and thus affects Fonterra's business. These internal factors among others have influenced the performance of the organization (Philip& Gary, 2014). As a summary, managing a business organization entails many aspects for consideration. The success of a given business enterprise is greatly attributed to its management. Fonterra, just like other business organizations in the world, has dedicated itself to deliver the milk, milk products, and food service to people all over the world. The pany has an established management structure in place which guides its operation. Various Fayal's theories can be applied to the process of Fonterra. The organization has adopted a mechanistic governance structure and therefore,it employs most of the Fayal’s principles. Some of these theoretical principles include centralization where the organization has a hierarchical management structure, the division of work and specialization where employees are the workers are assigned specific tasks for a long time for mastery. Fonterra also emphasizes on Fayal's principle which emphasizes on the remuneration of the employees. The organization has a culture in place that dictates its operation. Formulation and adoption are cultures a responsibility resting upon the management of this business enterprise. The pany has its mission, vision, values, and principles laid in place. This aspect of the corporate culture dictates the way Fonterra runs its business. Also as a summary, Fonterra is also influenced by the macro environment (factors outside the business organization) and micro environmental factors (those from within the pany). An understanding of both the internal and external business environment is important for the management of the organization that helps it for its success. Fonterra has the potential of sustaining its top position for a long time. The pany needs to put in place appropriate management strategies to ensure that the profitability of the organization increases continuously. The management should concentrate on reaching many customers around the globe for its growth. One of the best strategies to achieve this is through partnering with various food and nutrition organizations. The partnership will increase the volume sales of Fonterra's products and services improve the brand name and reach more customers. Fonterra should expand its efforts to target the global market. This increases diversification of the market thus increasing profitability and its general sustainability (Teixeira et al., 2012). Organizational culture is also a critical tool that the management team of Fonterra can adopt for effectiveness. Culture is a robust element that has control on the operation of the pany, either positively or negatively. Fonterra should capitalize on the power of corporate culture through formulation, policies, and procedures that can be useful for the performance of the pany. Internal culture will guide employees on the expectations of the pany and also help manage successions when one employee leaves the pany. Therefore, there is need to identify all important aspects necessary for the success of Fonterra and then municate them effectively to people (Cameron, 2014). Besides, Fonterra's management must consider adopting appropriate marketing strategies for the organization. The Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) strategies are effective in the management and the success of the pany. Fonterra's management has shown efforts to embrace STP strategies. However, the pany needs to do more about this. Firstly, Fonterra should segment its market further depending on various factors or characteristics of the available market. The pany can divide the market based on various aspects such as their consumption patterns, the purchase ability, their geographical location, their age and many other issues. This is necessary for successful management. It is also r mended that the management team of Fonterra should also consider targeting the segmented groups of customers. The pany should produce the milk products that suit the characteristics of these specific groups of people. For example, the milk products should be packaged into smaller quantities that suit the suits consumers with lower purchase ability. Also, the pany should continue positioning its products and services in the market above many others to ensure that the brand name stays top in the market. bining these management strategies is likely to help increase the profitability of the organization thus giving it a petitive advantage over other players in the environment. This is likely to increase its sustainability and ensure it remains a top player in the dairy market Almashaqba, Z. &Nemer A., (2010). "The Classical Theory of Organization and its Relevance." International Research Journal of Finance & Economics. 41: 60–67. Angelo S. & Ricky G. (2009). Human Resources Management, Biztantra Publication, New Delhi 2nd edition. Boddy, R. (2011).  Corporate Psychopaths: Organizational Destroyers, Palgrave Macmillan Brunsson, K. (2008). "Some Effects of Fayolism." International Studies Of Management & Organization.  38  (1): 30–47. Cameron, B. (2014). Management. Strategic Leadership Review, pp. 22-27. Charles L. (2012). Essentials of Marketing (7e ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Costanza, David P., Nikki B., Meredith R., Jamie B., and Arwen H. (2015). â€Å"The Effect of Adaptive Organizational Culture on Long-Term Survival.†Ã‚  J Bus Psychology Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-21. Web. Cran, C.,  (2016). The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World,  Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.   pp. 174–75 Hamlin, R. (2015).  "Niche Marketing and Farm Diversification Processes: Insights From New Zealand And Canada." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.fonterra /nz/en.html Kleinbaum, A. (2013).  Creating a Culture of Profitability, Probabilistic Publishing,  ISBN  978-0964793897   McLean, J. (2011). "Fayol-Standing the test of time".  British Journal of Administrative Management  (74): 32–33. Michael J., et al. (2008).  Organizational munication Perspectives and Trends  (4th Ed.). Sage Publications. Philip K. & Gary A, (2014).  Principles of Marketing,  Pearson Steven M. & Britt, W. (2008).  Organizational Psychology, A Scientist-Practitioner Approach, John Wiley & Sons,  ISBN  978-0-470-10976-2. Teixeira, R., Koufteros, X. &Peng, D. (2012).  "Organizational Structure, Integration, and Manufacturing Performance: a Conceptual Model and Propositions." Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management.  5  (1): 69–81. The Tipster. (2013). â€Å"4 Types of Organizational Culture.† Arts FWD. 31 st July 2017. Retrieved from Tsai, Y. (2011). "Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior, and Job Satisfaction." BMC Health Services Research BMC Health Serv Res  (11)1, 98. Van V. (2009).  14 Principles of Management (Fall). Retrieved on 31 st July 2017 from ToolsHero: https://www.toolshero /management/14-principles-of-management/

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Socioeconomic Status And The Outcomes Of Aortic Dissection Surgery Dissertation - 2

Socioeconomic Status And The Outcomes Of Aortic Dissection Surgery - Dissertation Example A number of reasons necessitated the study including the alarming documented statistics with respect to the frequency with which type A aortic disease dissection has shot up at alarming rates. Such statistics clearly presents strong grounds for every healthcare provider to divert their attention to projects and actions solely aiming at designing proactive and counteractive strategies to immediately weed out this catastrophic disorder (Clark, DesMeules, Luo, Duncan & WIelgosz, 2009). Mortality and morbidity rates have shot at shocking rates thereby killing many energetic and skilled persons (Chiappini, Schepens, Tan, Dell’Amore, Morshuis, Dossche, &†¦DiBartolomeo, 2005). Besides, huge funds are being drawn in an attempt to diagnosis, dissect as well as to treat the ailments. This fund could have otherwise been diverted to promising income generating activities and hence GDP multipliers culminating into increased and better standards of living accompanied by fast-growing economic growth rates. The study was conducted as a descriptive correlational research design. This is a type of quantitative research design that seeks to establish the relationship between given number of variables (quote). The descriptive correlational design can be found to be directly connected to the research question as the research questions seek to draw a relationship between socioeconomic statuses of patients their chances with type A aortic dissection surgery. The methodological study design will focus on the reciprocal linkages between socioeconomic status and the outcomes of aortic dissecting surgery. The outcome of the aortic dissection surgery, in this case, forms our dependent variable and the socioeconomic status of patients, the independent variable.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sex, Violence and Transgression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sex, Violence and Transgression - Essay Example In some instances, violence occurs in relation to sex. This is mostly in instances of rape and any other sexual harassment (Fausto-Sterling, 2000). This essay will look at sex, violence and transgression with representation of violence from news media and analyze them. The modern culture is obsessed with sex and sexuality while there are still too many social pressures around sex. Some of these pressures are how to wear and what fashion trends to follow, how to raise and school your children and whom to befriend. These pressures affect people since everyone wants to accepted and fit in the society as a unique person. The study of sexuality encompasses an array of social activities, an abundance of behaviors, series and societal topics. Biologically sexuality involves sexual intercourse and contact. It also involves the psychological aspects in relation to medical related concerns. Being the main force conditioning human relationship, sex is essentially political. The construction of a sexual universe is fundamentally linked to the structures of power in any social context. Construction of sexual meaning is a means through which social institutions manage and shape relationships among human beings. Body Today s’ sexual behaviors have increased regardless of age or gender. Our cultures no longer respects sex as a power capable of producing human life instead to many, sex is not taken seriously and is used for the purpose of entertainment. Trivializing sex leads to loss of value in marriage, this degrades women and their families. Use of contraceptives has destroyed the family and society as well. Once divorced from the aspect of reproduction, any type of sexual union can practice marriages legal perquisites. Many girls are giving themselves away to gain things a child craves, and it will be years before they know what they have done to themselves. Once these girls are married for the purpose of having children they came to understand that life is a sacrifi ce, fulfillment was not part of their vocabulary. Sexual activity among youths and under children can bring serious consequences. Unfortunately, the recently long term trend in sexual activity among youth has not been promising (Monro, 2005). The rates of sexual activity have increased. About twenty percent of more males and females are having sex today by 18 than the earlier 1970s. Research shows that most of people who engage in sex are between ages 12 -10. About half of both boys between ages 12 -19 have not had sex. The increase of sexual activities among teenagers has led to an increase in teen birth rate, school drop –out rate and high level of poverty in the society. Adolescents who initiate themselves in these health risk behaviors’ of sexual intercourse and substance abuse such as contraceptives at an early age have poor health in their adult life. These adolescents achieve low in education and do not contribute adequately to society. There is also a big gap o f age difference between young girls and their first sex partners. The younger a girl is during her first sexual intercourse the higher the average age difference between her and sexual partner. This is also related to the number of sex partners she will have in her teenage life. This leads to teenage pregnancy due to lack of proper sex education (Connell, 2002). Non- voluntary and unwanted sex is particularly commonly among very young girls. This becomes a trouble to the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Financial Markets and Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Financial Markets and Risk - Essay Example For investors who are moderate on their risk taking mentality have hybrid products to choose from. This report will deal with various investment products that are provided by financial institutions and the implications of market interest rates on investors and banks. Long term savings and investment products provided by Retail banks and Non Banking Financial Intermediaries or NBFC’s Some of the popular long term investment products provided by retail banks and NBFC’s are as follows. Fixed Deposits: Fixed deposits, as the name signifies, have a fixed tenure during which the investments cannot be withdrawn. Withdrawal is possible in between the tenure, but in such a case the investor will have to forgo certain benefits as early withdrawal charges. Bonds: Bonds are debt instruments that are issued by government or corporate. Bonds are fixed income securities that provide a fixed rate of return over a period of time. As a result, it is less risky too. Debentures: Debentures are similar to bonds in its nature with the only difference being they are issued only by corporations. Debentures provide fixed rate of interest and comes with a lock in period of usually more than 2 years. Mutual Funds: Mutual fund is a collective fund management system in which the amount collected from a large number of investors is invested into certain asset classes based on the nature of the fund. The investors who invest in mutual funds will get units of the fund of which the value depends on the price movement in the assets they are invested in. Pension Funds: A pension fund is a very long term investment product that is intended to give retirement income for the investors. Investors contribute a certain amount on fixed intervals which is accumulated and invested in safe asset classes. These are returned to them at the time of their retirement. Implications of increase in general interest rates on individual savers and investors An increase in the general interest rates wi ll have a considerable impact on the investment portfolio of investors and savers. â€Å"When interest rates are rising, both businesses and consumers will cut back on spending† (Investopedia, 2011). The cut back on spending by customers and businesses will lead to less corporate earnings than before. The poor corporate earnings will cause the stock prices to drop at the overall market. A fall in the stock market will affect all the investment products that have the investment pie in stocks. Investors and individual savers, who have invested directly in the stock markets or invested in the stock markets through mutual funds and other products, will see their corpus going down. A rising interest rate can also affect the investors in terms of the low risky instruments like bonds. The prime relationship to be understood is that there is always an inverse relationship between the interest rates and bond prices. When the market interest rate rises, the bonds with lesser interest r ate than the market rate will turn to be less attractive for the investors. The investors receive interest at a lower rate as compared to what is offered by the market. This will not be a big issue if the investor holds the bond until its maturity. But any plans to sell the bond before the maturity will reap fewer benefits when the market interest rates are higher (Williams, 2009). The investor can definitely hold on to the bonds

Economic Reform of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economic Reform of China - Essay Example This leads to economic growth of 10% annually. By adopting a mixed economy China is leading successfully. The Government of china has retain strong control over investments and allowed a limited private competition. This results in removing the deficiencies of capitalism and communism. Those countries which follow free trade and non liberal path, dominates the economy like China. The China's success proof is its GDP statistics. Since 1978, the GDP has been double digits. However this progress has lead to number of challenges China is facing nowadays. These are financial crisis world wide, incompetent banking system, over reliance on exports, inflationary pressures, widening income inequalities etc. In order to create a harmonious society, China Government has to over come these issues. Furthermore trade and foreign investment plays a dramatic role in this revolution. The trade of goods has double so far. Large trade surplus, direct flow of foreign investments and heavy purchases of foreign currency makes China the biggest foreign currency reservoir holder. Two factors contributed tremendously to the growth of economy in China. One is Heavy Capital investment either by domestic savings or by foreign investments. And second factor is quick yield growth. This revolution leads higher effectiveness which improves the output. The result is increased resources for extra investments in the economy. Moreover China has a higher rate of saving, as most Chinese has saved a lot by producing profit from State owned enterprises. As a result savings as percentage to GDP has raised tremendously upto 50% which is highest rate in the world. Another factor which plays a major role in this revolution in China is Productivity gains. The enhancement in output is because of allocation of resources to the productive uses specially trade, services and agriculture sectors. The government authorities were allowed to establish various enterprises on market rules. Direct Foreign Investments with its new technologies boosted the economy as well. DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN CHINA: The major factor for China's economic growth is Direct Foreign Investments. China's FDI usage has expanded from $636 million to $75 billion by the end of 2007.Manufacturing is the major part of the economy where larger portion of FDI are utilized. Almost 55% of total FDI is consumed up for manufacturing which leads 610,000 companies to flourish and almost 28 million people will be engaged by these firms. CHINA TRADE PATTERNS: China becomes the trading power in result of economic revolution. Chinese exports were $1218 billion by the end of 2007 and its imports were $956 billions. China has grown dramatically during past years with average annual growth rate is 29%. Imports over this

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Homosexuality- Same sex child adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Homosexuality- Same sex child adoption - Essay Example Homosexuals consider it their right to live with the partner of their choice according to their will. But on the other hand, their choice is met with much criticism by religious and social groups who consider this aspect of human nature to be unethical. Homosexuals consider it their right to lead normal lives like other couples and they wish to opt for the completion of their family by adoption. But this issue is also criticized because it is argued that the homosexual parents will not be able to cater the needs of the children and will lay a negative impact on them. The subject of adoption by homosexual groups has been a challenge but these same sex couples have fought for the legalization of their rights and consider a stop on this adoption as an encroachment on their civil liberties and personal lives. The number of children who are being raised in homosexual families has increased to a great level and it has been reported that approximately 270,000 children are living with homosexual parents. There are many methods that are employed by the homosexuals for the purpose of raising children. They opt for methodologies which include artificial insemination for lesbian mothers, surrogate mothers for gay couples or adoption. It is not an easy option for them as it is for heterosexuals owing to the arrangements that they need to make before the process of adoption. Furthermore, they have to go through legal proceedings which also do not guarantee of the fact that whether they would be allowed to adopt the child or not (National Center for Lesbian Rights (U.S.). 2004; Perrin 2002). The raising of children by homosexuals is an issue of stereotyping. A woman in the United Kingdom who had to lose custody of her children owing to her addiction was shocked when she heard that her children were being adopted by gays. The grandparents of the children as well as other relatives were not very happy with this decision. They

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Managed Care Organizations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managed Care Organizations - Case Study Example This issue has been criticized with the claim that the practice will lower the quality of care. The rigidity of rules regarding the choice of health care providers has been criticized, which is specially a reality for Health Maintenance Organizations. Sometimes, a member may be dissatisfied with the care provided by a primary care practitioner and would wish to consult with another one who is not involved in the network accessible via their managed care giver. The only option would be to do so and pay for the costs in full out-of-the pocket. A number of members complain and suggest that in order to save some cash, their managed care providers contract less-educated and inexperienced health professionals. Some criticize the service arguing that their primary care givers make them experience unnecessary tests and treatments for their conditions for them to make extra money (Robinson & Ginsburg, 2009). The third criticism against managed care is its strictness to SOPs that must be adhered to. For example, the necessity to get approval from the insurance provider prior to starting any treatments as well as the length and type of treatments. Most people also complain on the long waiting periods for them to be appointed, the inconvenient locations for clinics and network givers’ offices, or that the allocated time for appointment does not match their busy schedules. In this plan, the basic structure entails members receiving a yearly allocation of Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) finances from their employers, which they may use to purchase covered services. The allocations often range between a thousand dollars and two thousand dollars annually. Unused finances can be carried forward into years ahead and added to the following annual HRA deposit. In the CDHP, when the HRA fund is exhausted, the specified member must adhere to a deductible gap

Friday, August 23, 2019

Performance of Veolia Environnement in Fulfilling Social Needs Research Paper - 3

Performance of Veolia Environnement in Fulfilling Social Needs - Research Paper Example The company had undergone heavy debt which resulted in fire-scale of company’s assets, dizzying financial condition, and an identity crisis. In the year 2002, the company had declared net loss of â‚ ¬12.3 billion. As a consequence, the company’s rate with regards to credit has turned into ‘Junk’ status. Vivendi Universal had sold a fraction of its large holdings to pay off the debt of stakeholders. The shareholders of the company sued against the former manager and claimed a price of 54 million USD. In the year 2002, due to the bad financial condition, Vivendi Universal was forced to sell parts of their stake in Vivendi Environnement. In order to retain the confidence of shareholders and also to reflect the organization’s greater independence, Vivendi Environnement was named as Veolia Environnement (Public Citizen 2005). Approximately 70% of international privatized water business is ruled by two companies, i.e. Veolia and Suez. Both the companies have made a joint subsidiary company so that profit can be shared between them in lieu of competing with each other. Both the companies had created an uncompetitive business situation through joint ventures (Public Citizen 2005). Veolia Environnement though used illegal methods such as bribery to get water contracts. For example, two senior executives of Veolia Environnement was convicted for giving bribe to the Mayor of St. Denis for obtaining water contract in the year 1996 (Public Citizen 2005). Besides bribery, there are other critiques of Veolia Environnement, for example, in the year 2003 Veolia Environnement’s waste management was ordered to provide fine of 100,000 Euro for damaging of 3500 hectares scrubland by fire. In 2000, Veolia Environnement misled the investors for purchasing the US Filter plant. The loss of 2.25 billion Euros had been represented to the investor a profit of 625 million Euros (Chandra, Girard, and Puscas 2005). Veolia Environnement has a poor r ecord of societal and environmental issues. To counter these bad records Veolia Company made a good long term relationship with the United Nations and World Water Council in order to build a good image before society. The company has conducted several advertisings for promoting privatization of water. Veolia Environnement affiliated with various international agencies for searching new market and expanded their business. The International Financial Institution (IFI) provided Veolia Environnement a large amount of money for the infrastructure of service and developed many urban renewal projects internationally.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Alcoholism Feature Article Essay Example for Free

Alcoholism Feature Article Essay Introduction (Opening facts): Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Australia, beating crack and heroin into second and third place in the ranking, according to recent studies. The current research used data from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that almost 60% of 18-24 year old current drinkers, who failed to complete high school, began drinking before the age of 16. The survey also revealed that teens are more likely to try alcohol for the first time during the summer months, along with other harmful drugs or cigarettes. Teens are susceptible to alcohol mostly during this time due to more idle time, fewer responsibilities and less adult supervision. Effects and results: With more than 1 in five teens between the ages of 14 and 19 of age, consuming alcohol on a weekly basis, the risk of cancer, digestive diseases and addicted related medical issues are predicted to rise. Those who drink regularly have been proven to have a lower productivity rate than those of unaffected areas. Underage drinking plays a significant role in risky, sexual and often violent behaviour, which can lead to other health issues or injuries. As a result of this, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in people ages 15 to 20. Deadly crashes involving alcohol are twice as common in teens compared with people 21 and older. Further more, mixing drinking with swimming or boating can be fatal. Four out of 10 teens that drown have consumed alcohol. Underage drinking has also been linked with deaths and injuries from burns, falls, alcohol poisoning and suicide. Consequently, the total cost attribute to underage drinking includes costs of traffic cras hes, violent crime and injuries and treatment, equates to over $15.2 billion per year. Signs and prevention: From the results of underage drinking proving deadly and most harmful, people in today’s modern society need to wake up to the signs towards alcoholism, especially towards younger victims. Mood changes, irritability and defensiveness are physical signs, which can be easily recognised. Another example is further school problems such as poor attendance, low grades and rebellion against family rules. Although many of the symptoms may seem typical towards an ordinary teenager, parents and carers should still be aware of these as they may reflect on how their child may be suffering from alcoholism. ‘It is critically important to take every opportunity we can, throughout the year to talk to our young people about the real risk of substance abuse and effective measures for avoiding it, so they will be informed and capable of making the right responsible decision.’ Common Experiences: A recent victim who has suffered from alcohol as a result to his death, is Liam Davies (16). As reported after New Years, Davies drank the tainted alcohol while celebrating New Year’s in Sydney with friends. He was rushed to a local hospital where he was in an unstable critical condition from alcohol poisoning. The Davies family released a statement asking for Australians to be careful when holidaying abroad or drinking in general. â€Å"We would like to make people aware of the risks associated with consuming alcohol, especially without appropriate supervision†.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reggio Emillia Essay Example for Free

Reggio Emillia Essay ‘A Reggio pre-school is a special kind of place, one in which young human beings are invited to grow in mind, in sensibility and in belonging to a broader community. ’ (Learning and teaching Scotland, 2006) For this case study I am going to look at the four themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage, also known as the EYFS. The EYFS sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn, develop well, and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that will provide the right foundation for good future progress, throughout school, and adult life. (Hutchin, 2012) I will be highlighting links between the EYFS’s four main themes; A Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments and Learning and Developing, and discussing how the Reggio Emilia Approach supports these themes. The Reggio Emilia Approach is focused on preschool and primary education, originally set up in the northern Italian town of Reggio Emilia. It has a reputation for forward thinking and excellence in its approach to early childhood education. It is an approach where the expressive arts play a central role in learning and where a unique reciprocal learning relationship exists between practitioner and child. (Tornton, 2006) According to Locke and Rousseau children are born as â€Å"blank slates† completely free of any predisposition or vulnerabilities, and that everything the child would become was due to the effects of their environment. (Moyles, 2010) Though within the Reggio Emilia approach they see children as slightly different, they believe children are empty vessels waiting eagerly to be filled with knowledge. Reggio educators believe strongly that a child has unlimited potential and is eager to interact with, and contribute to the world. (Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2006) The way the Reggio Emilia Approach views their children is much like the Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS states ever child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. (EYFS, 2012) Both the EYFS and the Reggio Emilia Approach see children as individuals; this is conveyed throughout the EYFS, as one of its main themes is : A Unique Child. The EYFS states practitioners should understand and observe each child’s development and learning, assess progress, and plan for the next steps. (EYFS, 2012) The Reggio Emilia approach tackles this in a very different way in relation to the UK. Children’s work is documented throughout the year on walls to display a story of the child’s learning; it is not something that is made after the child has finished working. Educators observe, document and analyse children’s learning journeys, they are able to make informed hypotheses about how to guide children in their learning. It is obvious then that documentation is far removed from photographic displays of completed project work. (Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2006) Throughout the Reggio Emilia buildings there are many long, child height mirrors. This is designed to support children to help them develop a positive sense of their own identity and culture. This is one of the practices of the Unique Child theme in the EYFS. Another way the Reggio Emilia Approach supports children finding their own identity is ‘pedagogy’ this means that art is seen as another way of communicating and expressing ideas. Children are also encouraged to raise their own questions and answers, and this re-enforces the child’s opinion that their thinking is valued. Education is based on relationships. Reggio Emilia teachers are seen as partners in learning, (Tornton, 2006) for example pupils and teachers work together aiming towards a common purpose: the building of a culture. This respects childhood as a time to explore, create and be joyful. Participation begins even before the children have started school, through a comprehensive integration programme. This involves meetings between children, parents and teachers to build an image of the child as an individual. This often involves the child doing a task such as making a ‘holiday booklet’ of photographs and favourite nursery rhymes; this can be used as stimulus for discussion between child and teacher. (Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2006) The teacher`s working with the child links to one of the four themes within the EYFS- Positive Relationships. The EYFS states you should be supportive of the child’s own efforts and independence (EYFS, DATE). By the teacher being a partner in learning, suggests that children could have the freedom to convey their thoughts and ideas more freely. To give an example: The teacher strives to support and encourage the child on the learning journey, encouraging them to reflect and to question. In this sense, the role of the teacher is not to dispense information or simply to correct. Rather, the teacher is like a tool that the children use when most needed. (Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2006) This also links to Jerome Bruner’s theory of scaffolding, this is the idea that you can give children support in their learning. Froebel also stressed the significance of building positive relationships within an educational environment; his most important gift to children was the classroom, symbolically viewed as an extension of a lovely, thriving garden. This enabled the teacher to take on the role of a loving, supportive parent. (Bruce, 2012) This shows that from a personal view he thought teachers should be like an empathetic parent. Environment plays a key role in supporting and extending a child’s development. Vygotsky believed that we learn from our environment and the people around us. (Vygotsky, 1978) His view is much like the teachings of the Reggio Emilia Approach, for example one of their fundamental principles says the environment is the third teacher, the environment is recognised for its potential to inspire children. (Tornton, 2006) Kerka (1999) suggests that an environment that nurtures learning provides the necessary resources and time for investigative play and experimentation. It is one in which children are free and motivated to make choices and to explore for answers without feeling intimidated. (Cited, Danko-Mcghee, 2009) Within the Reggio Emilia settings children have lessons outside in the community, making great use of the Piazza’s, which are squares within the town, where children can learn alongside the community, as well as making the most out of the outdoors. This also has an impact on positive relationships between both the community and the children, which links to the enabling environment within the EYFS. Reggio Emilia buildings and spaces link to what the EYFS suggests practices should offer, stimulating recourses, relevant to all the children’s cultures and communities. Reggio Emilia settings, buildings and spaces reflect their relationships and view of the child. There are lots of long windows, this is so that the children can interact with the outside community, and also it reflects the idea that education is not just what you learn in the classroom. It is seen as less restricting to have long windows, and lets a lot of light into the setting creating a more natural airy environment. Within the setting there are a lot of natural materials used, from the children’s toys and equipment to the building and furniture inside. This is much like Steiner’s view, in his schools all toys are made from natural materials, this is because simple toys stimulate and encourage imagination, as children can interoperate natural materials to be anything they want. Throughout this assessment I have been linking the key themes of the EYFS and relating them to the Reggio Emilia Approach, I am now going to discus whether or not the approach can be taken from Italy and brought to the UK. As I have mentioned above a big aspect of the Reggio Emilia approach is the environment, I believe this may be a problem as many of our English calendar months can be wet, cold, and miserable. Children spend the majority of time indoors during the winter months, even sometimes on dry days largely due to protests from parents that the damp weather is bad for the children. Though in Italy they do not have this problem, if it is wet or cold they just see this as an opportunity for children to wrap up warmer. I do believe it is counter-productive to wrap children up in cotton wall, I think that sometimes it is good for children to be taken out of their comfort zones. This will benefit a child’s emotional development by trying and exploring new things and gaining self-confidence. Maybe we need to look at our cultures upbringing of our children and let children explore the different seasons. Even though the outdoors isn’t a major part of the Reggio Emilia is it still highly valued, as they like to encourage a lot of natural materials and bring the outdoors in, whilst exploring the different environments. Also we lack in open out door spaces within the community for example in Italy they have plazas Bringing this approach to the UK may cause some trouble for children who do not have a secure home setting; this is because going to school creates a secure environment. Whereas, with the Reggio Emilia approach, children may find their education too unstructured. Instead of choosing their learning methods, they might prefer a setting with secure guidelines and learning outcomes. Furthermore I think the transition from the Reggio Emilia Approach to mainstream higher education may be difficult as the children, as they are so used to the freedom and the scaffolding of the teachers, that they might not be able to settle into the strict curriculum. I believe this quote sums up my opinion perfectly, ‘It is a mistake to take any approach and assume like a flower you can take it from one soil and put it in another one. That never works. We have to figure out what aspects of that are most important to us and what kind of soil we need to make those aspects’ (Gardner, 1993)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Network Microwave Link

Network Microwave Link Microwave Communications Link Design And Implementation Gert Brits AbstractInternet and network access from any location is a requirement in most businesses around the world today. This paper outlines the procedure necessary to plan, install and commission a 5.8 GHz un-licensed point-to-point microwave link. The link will serve as a connection between two office buildings to provide internet and network access to the employees. The planning stages of the project presents the various environmental influences on a microwave link, as well as the considerations that must be made to select the appropriate sites, hardware and configuration settings for the link. These parameters are used to calculate the expected performance data and install a microwave link that would operate reliably at five nines (99.999%) of availability. Index Termsattenuation, losses, fading, line-of-site, received signal level, Introduction DIGITAL microwave systems are used all over the world for a wide variety of applications. The majority is point-to-point systems; a single link connecting two sites together. For most businesses, having access to the local area network and the internet is essential. The challenge for many is the occupation of more than one office building and how multiple buildings can gain access to the same network. Harris Stratex Networks (HSTX) in San Jose, California occupies an office building in San Jose as well as an equipment warehouse in Milpitas, two miles from the office building. Since the company manufactures digital point-to-point microwave radios and has access to such equipment, an effective method was researched to utilize a point-to-point radio link as a connection between the two buildings. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how a digital point-to-point microwave link can be used to link two office buildings together, in this case the main office building of HSTX in San Jose and the warehouse in Milpitas, and provide internet and local area network access to the employees at the warehouse. The various aspects involved in the design, installation and commissioning of a digital point-to-point microwave system is described to highlight the procedures and planning required from microwave engineering before, during and after a microwave link is installed. attenuating influences on a microwave link Almost all components involved in a microwave link will cause the signal to be attenuated at some stage during transmission. In microwave engineering, attenuation plays a major role in the design and planning of such a link to ensure reliability and availability regardless of the surrounding conditions. Whether its in the cables, connectors, antennas or free space; attenuation on a link can not be avoided and provision needs to be made, during the design stage, for the degree of expected attenuation to occur. Propagation losses Propagation losses such as attenuation caused by reflection, free space losses, attenuation caused by rain and by atmospheric gasses have a negative influence on a microwave link. Reflection Line-of-Sight Microwave links are designed to have enough clearance over any object or terrain along the path to avoid the signal grazing or scraping across obstacles. The Fresnel zone is known as the area around the visual line-of-sight that radio waves spread out into after they leave the antenna [1] and where obstacles would cause in phase or out of phase reflection of the radio wave. This area must be clear of any obstructions to avoid an undesired affect on signal strength. Fig. 1 illustrates the typical Fresnel zones associated with a microwave link. Microwave signals which are reflected or refracted could lead to multiple copies of the same transmitted signal to arrive at the receiving antenna at different times and out of phase. The reflected and refracted signals will experience differences in attenuation, delay and phase shifts which will result in either constructive (amplifying the signal) or destructive (attenuating the signal) interference. There are an infinite number of Fresnel zones. Obstacles in the first Fresnel zone will create signals that will be 0 to 90 degrees out of phase. The second Fresnel zone will cause signals to be 90 to 270 degrees out of phase. In the third, the signals will be 270 to 450 degrees out of phase and so forth. Odd numbered zones (1, 3, 5 etc.) have a negative effect on the signal power while even numbered zones have a positive effect since these signals actually add to the signal power. The phase canceling effect is strongest in zone 1 and decreases in each successive zone, hence the need to eliminate as many obstacles from the first zone as possible. These clearance requirements also include the sides of the path and not only the top and bottom. Free space loss Free space loss is defined as the loss that would obtain between two isotropic antennas in free space, where there are no ground influences or obstructions [2]; in other words, the loss where no obstacles nearby can cause blocking, refraction, diffraction or absorption. This loss increases with an increase in frequency and distance and the formula for calculating free space loss [3] using the frequency of operation (f) and the distance (in miles) between the two antennas (D) is given by: (1) Attenuation caused by atmospheric gasses Attenuation caused by atmospheric gases is mainly caused by oxygen and water vapor in the air. The small amount of attenuation caused by oxygen stays relatively constant across all operating frequency bands. Attenuation caused by water vapor absorption however is highly dependent on the frequency of operation as well as the density of the water vapor and will have a deep impact on the links operating above 14 GHz. Attenuation caused by rain Furthermore, fading can be the distortion a microwave signal experiences due to changes in the atmosphere or rain. The total amount of rain that falls is not as important as the intensity of the rainfall. For example, an area which gets lite rain for most of the year would be less affected by rain attenuation than an area that gets a storm of rain during the rainy season, even for a short period of time. Microwave links operating below 8 GHz remain largely unaffected by rain attenuation but at 10 GHz and above, rain has a big impact on the networks reliability. Availability for modern day high reliability systems varies. The annual outage objective for high reliability systems could be as little as 0.01% to 0.0001% of the total operating time which translates to 53 minutes of down time per year for 99.99% reliability and only 30 seconds of downtime per year for 99.9999% reliability. Fading can degrade the bit error rate (BER) performance of a microwave link resulting in loss of data. Parameters such as the radio frequency, path length, humidity, temperature, smoothness of the terrain, calmness of the wind, fog and the number of thunderstorms per year can all increase the probability of fading. Branching losses Branching losses are introduced by the hardware used to carry the microwave signal and is generally specified by the equipment manufacturer. Other losses Other losses associated with a microwave link include losses from feeders, connectors, antennas, radomes and TX line losses. These losses are specified by the manufacturers at different frequencies of operation. Microwave link Planning Sufficient microwave path engineering ensures a link performs according to the requirements set by the owner or user. In a perfect world, any microwave beam would travel in a straight line from start to finish. In reality however, everything surrounding the microwave beam and equipment can cause the signal to be attenuated, amplified or interfered with. The challenge for any microwave engineer is to know what these factors are and how to design around it. Site selection An essential part of planning a microwave link is the selection of appropriate sites. The office and warehouse roof of HSTX provided a line of sight which was clear of any surrounding buildings and obstructions that could block or cause the microwave signal to be diffracted. There was no possibility of additional floors being added to either of the two buildings and the absence of other towers and microwave systems in the area, which could interfere with this link, made these sites ideal for the antenna installation. In addition to this, the sites already had access roads, ac power and telephone services which were other requirements considered when choosing the appropriate sites. Frequency and equipment selection Industry standards and licensing for microwave radios are, in the USA, governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Radios operating in the license-free 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands are considered un-licensed radios and require no licensing from any governing body. Un-licensed radios, such as the Velox LE 5850 manufactured by Harris Stratex Networks, can be installed and operated without any approval from the FCC. The Velox 5850 series is capable of providing up to 45 Mbps of Ethernet throughput (Full-duplex) which was sufficient for the purpose of this link. The output power of the radio can be software adjusted up to +22 dBm and with a receiver sensitivity of -78 dBm; enough fade margin can be achieved to ensure link availability of 99.999%. The radio hardware is available in a split-mount configuration; a radio frequency unit (RFU) which is connected to a digital unit (DU) using shielded CAT5e cable. The RFU is installed on the tower or mounted below the antenna and the DU is installed inside an equipment building or enclosure. Management software to configure the radio and monitor the performance of the radio link is available for this product. A 4.940-5.580 GHz Grid Antenna (model no GS2-58N), manufactured by mWAVE Industries, LLC was selected for the project. The antenna provided a gain of +27 dBi, a VSWR of 1.5:1, a return loss of 14 dB and could be mounted for horizontal or vertical polarization as illustrated in Fig. 2. Microwave link calculations The microwave link design was started by doing a link budget analysis; a calculation that involves all the gains and losses associated with the antennas, cables, connectors, radio hardware and environment. The link budget was used to determine the expected received signal levels at each end of the link. Once this has been done, minor adjustments were made to the sites and hardware selections to achieve the desired link availability. Path calculations The receiver threshold value is a measure of the lowest possible signal level the radio can receive and still operate at an acceptable level of performance. This level was specified by the equipment manufacturer as -78 dBm. The difference between the received signal level and the receiver threshold indicates the fade margin (the amount of fading a microwave radio can experience before having the signal degraded enough to cause BER errors or framing errors) of the link. To calculate the expected receive signal level and the fade margin, the propagation losses, branching losses and other losses had to be subtracted from the radio output power and antenna gain. The attenuation caused by atmospheric gasses for links below 14 GHz was negligible. The free space loss given by (1) and therefore the total propagation loss was calculated as 114.32 dB. Transmit and receive branching losses associated with the Velox 5850 radio was specified by the equipment manufacturer as 1.5 dB respectively. Other losses, all of which were specified by the various manufacturers, included the TX line losses of 3.72 dB (1.24 dB per 100ft of cable used) for each site and an N-Type connector loss of 0.3 dB per connector (four connectors used). Output Power = + 22 dBm TX Branching Loss = 1.5 dBm Antenna Gain = + 27 dBm Propagation Losses = 114.341 dBm Other Losses = 8.34 dBm Antenna Gain = + 27 dBm RX Branching Los = 1.5 dBm Received Power = 49.68 dBm Receiver Threshold = 78 dBm Fade Margin = + 28.32 dB Fading and interference calculations The amount of attenuation expected on the link due to rain was calculated using the formula in (2)[4], where R0.01% represents the rain rate exceeded 0.01% of the time in mm/hour and D the path length in kilometers. Multiplier a and exponent b are values taken from the North American and ITU-R rain attenuation coefficients chart, while d represents the effective path length in kilometers. The link operating at 5.8 GHz over two miles can thus expect 0.106 dB of additional attenuation during the heaviest rainfall. (2) The possibility of the radio signal being diffracted was investigated by observing the structures surrounding the microwave beam and calculating the first and second Fresnel zones using (3)[5]. The distance from the antenna to any possible obstruction is given by d1 while d2 represents the remaining distance to the other end of the link. (3) Since the Fresnel zones consist of a series of concentric circles, the areas to the side, above and below the microwave beam had to be clear of obstructions. The height of the two buildings where the antennas were to be installed provided enough clearance to ensure no obstructions within the first two Fresnel zones. With a mere 0.106 dB of additional attenuation from rain and no possibility of the signal being diffracted or reflected, only 3 dB of variation on the calculated receive level was expected. The 3 dB of variation is due to component tolerance and is specified by the equipment manufacturer. Microwave link installation The antenna and radio frequency unit were installed on a mounting pole on the roof of both buildings, in accordance with the manufacturers recommended installation procedures. A high quality 5/8 coaxial cable was used to connect the antenna to the RFU. The digital units were installed in 19 racks inside the buildings while Belden 7921A Shielded CAT5e cable was used to connect the DU to the RFU. All the hardware was grounded to the various grounding points at the sites and the recommended impedance of less than one ohm measured on all ground connections. The antennas were aligned using a digital voltmeter connected to the back of each RFU. The DC voltage reading from the voltmeter was compared to the received signal level (RSL) chart shown in Fig. 3 [6] which was supplied by the radio manufacturer. [1] Fresnel Zone [16 June 2000] [2], [4]-[5] GTE Lenkurt. 1970. Engineering Considerations for Microwave Communications Systems [3] Harvey Lehpamer. 2004. Microwave Transmission Network:, Planning, Design and Deployment [6] Harris Stratex Networks. July 2004. Velox LE Installation and Operation Manual.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Pagoda Restaurant Essay -- Chinese China Food Essays

The Pagoda Restaurant Chinese food is very famous around the world. Almost every country has Chinese food restaurants. Almost all the people like Chinese food including people in the US. Today, there are many Chinese food restaurants in the US. The Pagoda restaurant is the one of the Chinese food restaurants in the US. It provides variety of Chinese food. In order to inform people about the restaurant, the Pagoda restaurant creates some advertisements like brochures and a website. The word â€Å"Pagoda† came from China. In China, Pagoda is the place for worship. The Pagoda restaurant has been around since 1961, after the Hun family emigrated from China to the United States in the early 1900's. The founder of the Pagoda, Hun, had a dream to share some of his customs and traditions with those in the west. Creating this restaurant was the ideal way to do so, since his family was known for their excellent cooking skills. On September 17 of 1961, his dream became a reality when finally he opened the Pagoda restaurant to the public. From the start, the Pagoda restaurant has been a Chinese dinning sensation. The atmosphere is cozy and relaxing and depicts images of Hun as well as other Chinese history. The traditional red and golden colors are used to create an ambiance that is unmistakably Asian. â€Å"Co-operation is the force† is the Pagoda restaurant’s philosophy. A group is stronger than an individual. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Those who can become team players will benefit from Pagoda's policy of promoting from within. The Pagoda restaurant offers everyone equal opportunity to maximize their talents and to be promoted to positions of responsibility and even to a managing partnership. Ever... and reach the Pagoda restaurant easily. In conclusion, the Pagoda restaurant is one of the Chinese food restaurants in the US. It was established by Hun who wanted to share his customs and traditions to those in the west. The Pagoda offers everyone equal opportunity to maximize their talents and to be promoted to positions of responsibility and even to a managing partnership. The restaurant consists of two floors with a unique and attractive shape, like the Pagoda in China. It is located in a strategic place, near highway 35 and between City of Ames and Des Moines. It serves the customers by walk-in and reservation. The restaurant offers many choices of appetizers, soups, entrees, house specialties and special diet menu. Finally, it provides a website and brochures in order to advertise and to give more information about the restaurant to the customers.

Preventing Alcoholism Essay -- Public Health

Introduction Alcoholism affects all elements of health. Overuse of alcohol affects physical health as it affects the functioning of the liver; mental health as it affects the ability to think clearly and coherently; emotional health as it affects the ability to recognise and express emotions correctly. Social health is affected as alcohol may affect a person’s ability to create and maintain relationships, finally and most importantly it affects societal health as the individual's actions can have an adverse affect on everyone around them. Alcohol related injuries and diseases are the cause of 207, 800 National Health Service (NHS) admissions in 2006 compared to 93, 500 in 1996. ¹ This increase of more than 100% justifies my health promotion topic. Health promotion to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed by the general public could lead to less people admitted to hospital because of falls due to drunkenness, increased liver health, decreases in the number of cases of coronary heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, STIs and unplanned pregnancy. ²,  ³ The locations chosen were the Accident and Emergency Unit in Bradford Royal Infirmary and a local GP. I chose these locations as I felt they were relevant to the promotion of reducing alcohol consumption. If a person fell or was involved in violence while intoxicated, presumably the friends and relatives of potential patients would be in the accident and emergency unit while waiting for their loved one to be treated. They may pick the leaflet up and recognise the quiz involved relates to their loved one and urge them to get help or at least enquire with one of the local help groups. The other leaflet was taken from the local health centre, people who are attending would pr... ...hold a health fair with stalls providing people with information on the adverse affects of drinking, for example a stall taking pictures of people's faces and then showing the ageing effects binge drinking has on their appearance. Works Cited 1. Accessed on 04/12/2010 2. Accessed on 06/12/2010 3. Accessed on 01/12/2010 4. Accessed on 07/12/2010 5. Accessed on 07/12/2010 6. Accessed on 07/12/2010

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Power of Attorney :: essays research papers

POWER OF ATTORNEY   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Notice: The powers granted by this document are broad and sweeping. They are not defined in te Colorado Statutes, Sections 15-1-101 to 15-1-1202, inclusive, of the General Statutes, which expressly permits the use of any other or different form of power of attorney desired by the parties concerned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Know All Men By These Presents, which are intended to constitute an IRREVOCABLE GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY pursuant to Colorado Statutes:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That I_________________ do hereby appoint Piotr Bieniek my attorney- in-fact TO ACT:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First: In my name, place, and stead in any way which I myself could do, if I were personally present, which respect to the following matters as each of them is defined in the Colorado Statutes to the extent that I am permitted by law to act through an agent:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Only Selection I or Selection II should be completed NOT BOTH If both Selections are completed, this Power of Attorney IS NOT VALID Selection I   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  REQUIRED ARE BOTH THE SIGNATURE AND THE INITIALS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  OF THE PRINCIPAL WITHIN THIS SELECTION I. BOTH   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  REQUIREMENTS CONSTITUTE A FULL GENERAL POWER OF   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ATTORNEY WITHOUT ANY LIMITATION OR RESTRICTION.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  X ( )   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SCRIBE ET SCRIBE DEBERE EQUIPARANTUR IN JURE Selection II   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Strike out and initial in the opposite box any one or more of the subdivisions as to which the principal does NOT desire to give the agent authority. Such elimination of any one or more of subdivision (A) to (K), inclusive, shall automatically constitute an elimination also of subdivision (L).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To strike out any subdivision the principal must draw a line through the text of that subdivision AND write his initials in the opposite box. (A)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  real estate transactions; ( ) (B)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  chattel and goods transactions; ( ) (C)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  bond, share, and commodity transactions; ( ) (D)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  banking transactions; ( ) (E)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  business operating transactions; ( ) (F)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  insurance transactions; ( ) (G)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  estate transactions; ( ) (H)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  claims and litigation; ( ) (I)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  personal relationships and affairs; ( ) (J)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  benefits from military service; ( ) (K)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  records, reports, and statements; ( ) (L)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  all other matters; ( ) (hand written by the principal, in the principal’s own handwriting) ( )   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Second: With full and unqualified authority to delegate any or all of the foregoing powers to any person or persons whom my attorney-in-fact shall select.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Third: Hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney(s) or substitute(s) do cause to be done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fourth: To induce any third party to act hereunder, I hereby agree that any third party receiving a duly executed copy or facsimile of this instrument may act hereunder, and that

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Notes for Key Assignment Outline

Phase 4 DB & Brief on Phase 5 IP Chapters 7, 8, 9, 17 & 18 This task is an important first step to the Phase 5 IP. The phase 5 IP is your final task for the class and will incorporate aspects of several of your other tasks. Phase 5 IP OVERVIEW This task has several parts that are designed to create one complete and comprehensive opinion of your chosen company. Further it is an examination of any global opportunities the company may have and what issues might come up as a result of expanding globally. The project will have 5 parts: I.Executive Summary II. Current State of the Company III. Change IV. Implementation Program V. Future Opportunities Based on what you have done to date you should be able to complete the Executive Summary and the Current state of the company for the Phase 5IP as part of your 4 DB. The executive summary includes: * Create an executive summary about the current state of your company. Include the following information: * Overview of the company includi ng size and revenue * Leadership team * Mission statement * Business ethics and social responsibilityThe current state of the company should include: * Product mix * Current financial state * SWOT Analysis components All of which you have already talked about. Remember this is just an outline so you do not need to create a cohesive flowing story. This is designed to help you create the order under each section that you will talk about the issues. Now I would try to have as complete of an executive summary and current state of the company as possible at this point in time. The rest of the Phase 4 DB document will be much more generic and less defined as hey will incorporate issues you will be dealing with this week and next week. Review on your own the sections of the Phase 5 IP prior to doing the Phase 4 DB and begin to gather some information regarding Change, Global issues and future opportunities for the company. Part 3 will be dealt with in your Phase 4 IP we will be discussing on Wednesday. Also begin to look at global issue such as culture and norms of other parts of the world and try to begin to make the connection as to how these issues will effect the company and the way they do business. Going GlobalIn today’s business environment with global expansions it is important for organizations to take a different approach with their employees. Today’s business is made up of people from all walks of life and from all corners of the globe. It is very important for multi-national companies to understand cross culture issues and even more important is the training and development of its workforce. For our discussion regarding global issues we will focus on the people factor rather than that of legal and economic issues that are far more obvious and understood.The people issues are what is usually overlooked. In our discussion we will explore communication issues, look and explore an analysis of Hofstede measures and translate that to some manageme nt style conclusions. Communication comes in many forms through body language, facial expressions, hand signals as well as written and spoken. Each culture interpretation of facial, body and hand signs is different from one country to another. It is very important to learn what forms of communication can become disastrous.Some cultures also see the way you dress as communicating who you are or where you are such as in statues. Some cultures giving gifts is a must from just a simple invitation to dinner. Approaching business in any country, other than the county of origin, can be problematic at best and disastrous at worst for companies that do not do their research into the culture of the desired country. â€Å"Culture is simply the set of values, attitudes, and beliefs shared by such a group, which sets the standards of behavior required for continued acceptance and successful participation in that group. (Scarborough, Jack, 1998) It is normal to seek out individuals or in this ca se companies that know the culture and norms of a country to learn from, much like a child learns of acceptable norms from a parent or some other authority figure. In this way a company might gain some insight into the common values, attitudes, and beliefs of the country in question. Although research in this way is necessary, the following discussion revolves around recommending business approaches by drawing conclusions from Hofstede Measures.It is important to understand that the goal of a company is to develop a stereotype for the society in question. While this word has a stigma attached to it, it simply means properly and accurately characterizing one group of people as being different from another. In this way a company can begin to identify the cultures core values, attitudes, and beliefs. Regressing for a moment, it is at this time that the company should look for a â€Å"mentor† of sorts to research in order to better identify those parts of the population that my n ot necessarily conform to these stereotypical norms.This added step will help the company to differentiate between conforming to cultural norms and embracing the underlying values. A prime example of the difference is located here in the United States. One could argue that a cultural norm in the United States is that the population is Protestant Christian of course we that live here know this not to be true the country is comprised of virtually all manor of religious beliefs, however by and large the Protestant Christian work ethic and business values are what is commonly embraced by the successful business person, regardless of their religion or background (Scarborough, Jack, 1998).These core values are at the hart of what defines a population’s expectation with regard to all aspects of business and personal life. Although there are several aspects to core values that are required to be questioned one question must be the first from a marketing standpoint. This question is w eather the culture is high-content communicators or high-context communicators. Western life business is generally high-content or very precise written and documented communication. This is due to the fact that usually in western life there is a high degree of diversity amongst the population.With high-context communication the people communicating must have a high degree of commonality in experiences and expectations. Research indicates that Middle Eastern and Asian countries have a high level of high-context communication which depends heavily on unspoken, implied communications through other means such as facial expressions and body language (Scarborough, Jack, 1998). The measurements of Geert Hofstede that are going to be examined are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, individualism/ collectivism and long term orientation.Power distance in a culture is the degree to which people accept unequal distribution of power. In high power distance societies pe ople feel dependent on those in power and expect direction from them. It is important to understand this when choosing management styles because in a high power distance culture managers do not involve their subordinates in a decision making or group collaboration setting. In contrast if a manager takes this view in a low power distance culture they might be looked at as arrogant and with resentment.Uncertainty avoidance is a measure of tolerance for ambiguity and the unfamiliar. The lower the score the more accepting of variety and opinions the society is. Oddly enough, as will be shown, the countries that are recommended have a significantly lower than average score in this regard but based on the ideology of the governing bodies in question one would not initially think this to be the case. This fact combined with some other facts will lead to an interesting theory that will be proposed later. Masculinity of the culture is the next measurement.A masculine culture is interpreted a s aggressive, decisive, and confrontational with well defined gender roles placing great value on achievement outside the home. While a feminine culture is more amiable placing great emphasis on harmony. This type of culture is more likely to have flexible gender roles and utilizes compromise and negotiation over conflict to resolve disputes. Individualism will be explored next. This score represents the level at which the population thinks of the individual over the collective or visa versa. The lower the score the greater the likelihood that decisions will be made in the best interest of the collective.Finally Long Term Orientation refers to how engrained is tradition in the cultural norms. Hofstede Measures As the above scores indicate all three countries show an above average Power Distance rating. This insinuates that western style management practice of team opinions might not be advantageous. The employees will be looking for decisive leadership and direction from the managem ent staff and will expect direct and structured instructions. As one would expect with a power distance rating significantly higher than average, the Uncertainty rating is significantly lower than average.This indicates that the establishment will be more open to managers making decisions without consulting other authorities, leading to a potential for differing opinions on how situations should be handled. Earlier a theory was mentioned. It has been observed that the Asian cultures utilize more contextual communication rather than content oriented communication. Combined with the information from the figures above one might conclude that cultures having a high power distance and low uncertainty rating could be more likely to use contextual communication.The reason for this potential relationship might be that the historical governing bodies combined with the seemingly uniformity of the population allows for the possibility that experiences and thought patterns amongst the populatio n will be similar and therefore be less likely to make radically differing decisions; just food for thought. The final measurement is long-term orientation. As the numbers indicate China is drastically higher than average, India is moderately higher than average and Singapore is slightly lower than average.The reason for this is simple, China has been closed for so long, India is very entrenched in religious issues and therefore has been somewhat closed while at the same time Singapore has specialized in import/export endeavors. China being the new kid on the block will somewhat detach themselves over time to some of there traditions as India has however unlike Singapore China is unique in that it is a gigantic consumer and will continue to play a substantial role in that regard and for this reason will not be required to disinherit their traditions in stead it will fall to the sellers to understand, if not embrace, their traditions.In conclusion, all three countries require a stron g management approach. Taking western style management of team play and group participation is not recommended, initially. I think given time this technique is and will be more productive, but not until the culture catches up with the times. It will be critical to pay close attention to the communication given and received; all three countries are context communicators not content like estern society. Management must be involved personally as well as professionally with the employees. This will improve company production and increase communication avenues between all parties involved. In short a clear chain of command, well structured with defined rules is required. The managers must be strong and independent, and the company should position itself to be community oriented.